Performances on the stage of the school auditorium are permitted for your instruction and entertainment. They should help to bring out the fine qualities of your heart and never be an occasion of the least sin.
- Attend them cheerfully and with gratitude to your superiors for permitting them to you.
- To enter the auditorium in such a hurry or even to run the risk of hurting your companions, to try to go ahead of others in order to secure a better seat, to stand when you should be seated, to shout, to whistle, to boo or hiss, or in any other way give evidence of disapproval or dislike are things absolutely to be avoided.
- Do not ridicule anyone for his mistakes or awkwardness. When the curtain is closed, applaud generously but not boisterously.
- Be gentlemanly also when things have not been according to your taste or as perfect as you expected them to be.
- In leaving the auditorium, do not push or shove one another. Go out in an orderly way.