- To acquire greater facility in the study of English, only English should be spoken in the school premises.
- Irregular attendance, habitual want of application, insubordination, any kind of cheating or serious misconduct in the School and even outside the school premises or any habit or behavior damaging the image or the good name of the school will be sufficient reason for the dismissal of a pupil.
- Each student must have a copy of the school calendar. This must be brought to school daily.
- Parcels and letters addressed to the students are subject to inspection before handing them over to the student.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Ornaments, jewelry and costly articles of any kind are not allowed in school. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. The school is not responsible for the loss of goods or money.
- Care must be taken of the school property. The students must not write, scratch or spoil the furniture, or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any damage done to the school property must be made good by the student concerned. Willful damage of the school property will lead to dismissal.
- Students are forbidden to give their teachers individual or collective presents. Students are forbidden to give birthday gifts to one another. Collection for any purpose whatsoever requires the Principal’s sanction.
- Students are forbidden to bring crackers, explosive and other dangerous material to school.
- Every child attending the school is obliged to take part in all the extra-curricular activities of the school as part of their civic training and no one will be excused except for valid reason. No pupil will abstain from physical exercise without the doctor’s certificate.
- Students are to address the Sisters, teachers and all the members of the staff with due respect and politeness. On their way to and from school they must behave in a gentle man/lady-like manner.
- No child is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours except on the strength of a written request from his/her parents and due authorization by the Principal/Vice-Principal /Sr. In charge. Every child should have her identity card duly updated every year.
- Parent/Guardians are responsible for the transport arrangement of their wards. They should see that their children reach well in time for the school before the commencement of the Assembly. In case the buses fail to bring the children to school due to unavoidable reasons, the parents are requested to make alternative arrangement to reach their wards in time to School.
- Certificates, attested copies etc. will be issued not before two days after the application has been submitted. No, certificates of any kind will be issued except on the strength of a written application from the Parents/Guardians.
- Any unscheduled holiday may be made good by the school without prior intimation to parents/guardians.
- Late arrival to School is a breach of discipline. Students who come late to School habitually will not be granted attendance & may be send back home.
- The School declines all responsibility if through failure to produce a letter for reason of absence or delay, a student is obliged to return home during School hours.
- Daily requirements and Tiffin have to be brought to the school by the students. No items will be accepted at the school counter or gate.
- Electronic gadgets, cell phones, digital watches diaries, toys, video games, pen drives, PSPs, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video devises, cameras and any mass storage devices and forbidden in the school. Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be penalized. It would mean confiscation of the unit, suspension for a period of one week. In case of any urgent need if the devise is brought to the school it has to be submitted in the school office.
- No books, periodicals, newspapers or printed matter of an objectionable nature must be brought into the School. All books for private reading be submitted to the Principal/Vice-Principal/Sister-in-charge for approval and may be retained in the school and read only if it bears the signature of one of these authorities.
- Every precaution is taken to avoid accidents. If an accident occurs in school, first aid will be given. However, when hospitalization is necessary it may be done even before the parents/guardians can be informed. Ordinarily the student will be sent to the hospital nearest to the School. Hospital expenses must be borne by the parent/guardian.
- Students are not allowed to enter class rooms other than their own.
- In the absence of the Teacher from the class-room, pupils are required to observe silence and obey the Monitor of the class. While travelling by school bus, they are expected to follow the instructions of the Conductor and the Bus Captain.
- Fines which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on the students are only to improve or to enforce discipline.
- Staying away from mandatory school functions, including Annual day and Sports Day without prior permission will be considered a major discipline default.
- Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not only in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any report or observed objectionable conduct outside the school on the part of the pupils will make them liable to disciplinary action. It is expected that through their good behavior they must enhance the prestige of the school.
- Applications made to the Principal or the School Office is to be done in a decent sheet of paper. Applications submitted to the office or to the Principal inappropriately will not be considered.
- After School hours, students are not permitted to go from school for group outings organized on their own or to their friends’ houses for birthday or any other celebrations.
- Being a Catholic Institution, only Christian festivals are celebrated within the School Campus.
29. Students involved in fights, drugs, alcohol, smoking and stealing will incur automatic expulsion. Same is applicable for those who run away from the school. - Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel nut or tobacco is strictly forbidden.
- Use of Mehendi and nail polish is forbidden in the school. Hair cut style of all students should be simple. Simple earrings are allowed. Fashionable watch, Bangles, nose rings and finger rings are not to be worn in the school.
- Students who are found guilty of teasing other companions verbally, a passing unnecessary message which causes damage to the good name of others and causes tensions and disturbances among the school mates will be suspended for a week.
- Students who are found guilty of continuous disturbance in the class, fighting physically or throwing stones with the intention of hurting others will be suspended for a week and at the discretion of the Principal, if need be given a TC at the end of the year if there is no behavioral change.
- Though the school takes care of your ward while in school, the school cannot be held responsible for any self-inflected or accidental mishap/injury, physical or otherwise that befall on your ward.
Private Tuition
- It is the policy of the school, as a rule, to discourage private tuition, as a student should be able to progress in her/his work as a result of good teaching. When absolutely necessary, tuitions may be allowed with the permission of the school authority.
- Teachers are not allowed to undertake private tuitions which will in any way interface with the proper execution of their school duties, including the preparation of lessons at home and correction of students’ assignments. In the ordinary course, private tuitions are not to be undertaken by the subject teacher concerned.